Sunday, August 9, 2009

"Ooops Your Sith Is Showing"

Mr. President, somebody in your entourage has been dropping the ball. They haven’t been playing it straight with you. Lately you’ve been walking around with your Sith nature hanging out, and J. Q. Public is starting to see it, but nobody has told you to hike it back up.

You know, back in the day, you could fake the Jedi thing pretty well. You would stand up in front of that teleprompter and mesmerize them with “change”, “believe”, “ hope”, “reform”. No, wait… you were actually just like Senator Palpatine. And now that you’ve got the job of president, well the analogy just seems to continue.

You achieved what you could through legislation having the gift of “party ownership” of Congress, but you have soon realized that this has not brought you true control. So eighteen times (or more depending upon the reference source one uses) you created offices and made appointments of czars to oversee them, who are accountable to no one but you. Congress did not confirm these appointments. The czars were given broad powers and funding to do their jobs with no public accountability. Other presidents have appointed czars, but never so many and for such a variety of reasons.

Then, there is the quality of your appointees. Here are three examples. Green jobs czar Van Jones is a self-avowed communist, black-activist and a radical green environmentalist. He has stated, in the past, that he will use any methods accessible to him to achieve his Marxist agenda. Your science czar John Holdren wrote about the constitutionality of required abortion to maintain population growth on a worldwide scale. Carol Browner, Clinton administrations retread and your energy czar comes to this position under a dark cloud. During her final day of running the EPA for President Clinton, she ordered the deletion of her computer records despite a court injunction to the contrary.

You keep company with people who voice chilling ideas-ideas that are shaping our future and will divide our nation and change its very nature. One of your top advisors in health reform, bioethicist Dr Ezekiel Rahm, expressed his belief that the Hippocratic Oath was an impediment to health reform. The “do no harm” section of the oath supposedly is responsible for unnecessary medical tests, and undo prolonging of life that drive up health care costs. He is the man recommending the compulsory end of life evaluations, which you would be required to have with your primary care doctor that would begin at age 65 and would continue at five-year intervals.

You were doing a good job controlling the media. Why you had the major networks stumbling over each other trying to get exclusives. It was a circus! But then, you let a little lace show. You planted that question from the Huffington Post blog. You managed to enrage even the Great Granny of the liberal press, Helen Thomas.

Evidently, you feel confident enough to show more of your true nature because the Sith is continuing to slip. You arranged to be questioned about the arrest of your friend Professor Gates in Cambridge by Sgt. Crowley. Admittedly without knowing the full circumstances, you made a judgment about the police involved saying they “acted stupidly.” You are charged with representing the people, not your friends. Your remarks were incendiary and fed racist ideology, but then again you spent twenty years in the pews of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church in Chicago. You seemed astounded by the negative reaction and once again try to return to the beatific, peaceful, Palpatine image, delivering a weak non-apology and having a beer at the White House. You orchestrated a teachable moment, but exactly what were you teaching? Better calibration? We saw camera shots from afar of the participants. You were talking and laughing. Vice-President Biden was doing a great impression of Ed McMahon roaring at everything you said, but Gates and Crowley seemed very subdued.

You jammed TARP down our throats; and the auto bailouts, and now you expect us to swallow health care reform. The snake on the Gaddesden flag representing the thirteen original colonies was not a boa constrictor. Just as it could not swallow a cow, we cannot swallow huge amounts of debt at a time and survive. In truth, people can only swallow so much deficit spending, so much government inefficiency, so much lying, and so much betrayal. You wish to take away our individualism, redistribute our wealth and the benefits derived by our achievements, relieve us of our personal responsibility to care for ourselves and our families, tax into an equal level of misery, and tell us this is a better, more American way of life. You, your advisers, your appointees and your faithful cohorts in Congress have awakened the hibernating rattler on that flag, and the people are beginning to shout: “Don’t Tread On Me!”

Mr. President, many notice that the man in the Oval Office does not lead our country, but attempts to rule our country. You, sir, are our stealth emperor. Take note, Emperor Obama, the history of the world has not been kind to emperors, nor has the world of fantasy and fiction. Americans will not tolerate an imperial presidency!


1 comment:

Dee and "D" said...

I agree with all you said. Great analogy, perfect fit.