Thursday, August 20, 2009

God Has Children Not Partners

I started my morning believing that I would be attacking the meaty topic of David Axelrod, another one of President Obama's staff's that has made my scoundrels list. However, Mr. Obama stopped me in my tracks.

I still remember the campaigner Obama's flip remark dismissing a certain area of voters as being only concerned with God's and guns. His disdain did not win him votes among that constituency. (Though, he managed some sort of apology.) Now he evokes the assistance of faith to get his political job done. He held a teleconference with 30 faith based groups and 140,000 people. Hmmm. I can just imagine, President George W. Bush having called faith based teleconference, whose agenda was to get a bill pushed through Congress. The cries of separation of church and state from the Dems and the rush of ACLU lawyers to file lawsuits would have been akin to tornado ripping straight up Pennsylvania Avenue.

Now could it be something as crass as which faith leaders, Mr. Obama leaders were called that makes the difference? Here's the list: National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.; Progressive National Baptist Convention; Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism; NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby; United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society; The Episcopal Church; Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference; Jewish Council for Public Affairs; Gamaliel Foundation; Faithful Reform in Health Care; Unitarian Universalist Association; African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME); The New Evangelicals; National Council of Churches in Christ; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; United Church of Christ; The Latino Leadership Circle; Christian Community Development Association; Islamic Society of North America; Washington Office of Women’s Divisions, General Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Church; Jewish Women International; Islamic Medical Association of North America; Presbyterian Church (USA), Washington Office; Disciples Center for Public Witness; Disciples Justice Action Network; Catholics United; Faith in Public Life; Faithful America; PICO National Network; Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good; Sojourners.

I recognize many of these names as representing the liberal side of American Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaisim. I went to the website of two of the lest identifiable names, the Gamaliel Foundation and the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Foundation. My personal opinion is that former has very little faith represented on its website other that a belief that their political objective are ordained by God and they organized based on studying the epistles of Paul for his skills as a leader. (They are named for the Rabbi Gamaliel due to the reference in Acts where he speaks on how to handle the Sanhedrin's "Christian" problem.) The SDWP Foundation showcased a message of support for the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright from one of the elders speaking for the "Village". They, too, are highly involved in litigation and activism. Others, such as the Latino Leadership Group, are part of the emergent church movement, which is a highly controversial redefining of Christian though with emphasis on social justice.

What's scary is what this group of thirty has united to do. They have founded the website specifically to promote the passage of Obama's health care reform, using the resources of organizations, access to membership, advertisement, etc. concentrated into a 40 day blitz. They hoped to give Obama's plan the sanction of legitimacy and divinity redubbing it "health reform".

Do I go to far by claiming divinity? I think not. Ben Smith's Blog reported that Rabbi Jack Moline, an attendee at the conference twittered that Pres. Obama said, "We are God's partners in matters of life and death."*

Note to President Obama: GOD HAS NO PARTNERS! He has sons; He has daughters. I don't know of even any junior partners being let into the firm. We can be children by adoption, according to the Bible, but I don't see any right to run the Universe. In the end, we get to work and rule, but strictly under Him.

The way I see it, the responsibility for the poor, the elderly, and the uninsured rest with their families and the church. If the government, federal and local stopped taxing us to death, we would have the funds to live up to our responsibilities and live free from fear and government entanglement. Hey! Isn't that a novel idea.

We do have responsbility in matters of life in death. We must uphold the unborn's right to live. God knows the unborn in the womb; He fashions them there; He knows their lenghth of days before they are even yet born. We can give our Creator, obedience in preserving life. Stop abortion now. If we can't overturn Roe v. Wade, let us surely do everything we can to impede it! The right to abortion should not be the right to goverment funded abortion. Partial-birth abortion must be banned forever. Most of all stop abortion by changing as many hearts as we can. We can value the life of our elderly. Give them the proper care they deserve. Stop relying on the goverment to provide everything for your parents. Maybe the money for that drug they need needs to come from their kids and not Uncle Sam. Exo 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you. Let dying die good deaths when they choose-and I'm not talking slowly dehydrated to death. Withdrawal of liquids is a horrendous way to die. I have seen it. Stop worrying that the terminally ill are going to be addicts and let them have the pain medicine. On the other hand those who are up for the fight and battle for life have the right, because in the end only God knows the number of their day.

So, Mr. President, I really don't trust you and your faith squad to have the best interests, or God's interests at heart. You guys have a tendency to make Him over into your image when ever the spirit-whatever spirit it is -moves you. This country doesn't need your kind of faith based health reform!

Moline - Has removed his tweets regarding the conference. Jml548 My lack of tech literacy results in a huge mistake -- apologies to all for my tweets this afternoon. They have been deleted.

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