Saturday, August 8, 2009

Crossing the line

There is spirit in this country. It was bought here by a group of people seeking the right to worship God in their own way. They were willing to risk everything to travel to an unexplored world and shape their own future. Not the act of a timid people. In spite of a hostile environment and extreme weather conditions they managed not only to survive but to progress and expand their colony. Throughout these times they were ever mindful of the hand of Divine Providence and continually gave thanks to God for delivering them from their persecutors.

This same spirit emboldened those who chafed under the leash of King George to rise up and call for change. Resentful of the restrictions placed on them by the Crown they sought to declare their independence and form a new union. Those brave souls placed themselves on the forefront of a revolution that would change the world. Their writings reflect a steadfast belief in God and a desire to make His laws the foundation of their brave new world.

Throughout our country's relatively brief history this spirit has been present in the undercurrent of history: a civil war, two world wars, the civil rights movement, 9/11. We are slow to anger but quick to respond. Now it seems that our own political leaders have forgotten or lack understanding of the forces that served as midwives to our great nation. Many people worked hard, some gave their very lives, to insure that we would remain a free people. To be betrayed from within is not acceptable and I for one do not plan to stand by and helplessly wring my hands .

Do we have an enviable like style in this country? Yes. Did we work damn hard to attain it? Yes. Do others have the same opportunity to work damn hard? Yes. Do some people believe this life should be handed to them on a silver platter? Yes. Is this a reasonable expectation? NO.

We were not founded by a bunch of wimps. We were founded by people who understood hard work, were not afraid of hard work and expected others to work just as hard as they did. And at the heart of their existence, with them in every struggle and every triumph, was their God.

Fortunately for them their leaders understood this, acknowledged a dependence on the will of the Almighty and girded themselves for daily battle.

Unfortunately for us our current leaders seek to remove this spirit from our country. They do not want people to be resilient and hard-working. No longer is self-reliance a virtue. Total dependence on a government that holds us in a choke hold is their goal. God has no place in this equation.

Slow to anger, quick to respond. Step carefully; scales are falling from eyes at a rapid rate. The threat to our way of life is becoming more obvious and the call to arms has been sounded. Teabag parties, town hall protests, politicians afraid to show their faces for fear of open confrontation by their constituents - sounds like the beginning of a revolution to me.

It's about time.


1 comment:

Dee and "D" said...

I stand right beside you on "Crossing the line". I feel like I could have written it myself.-"D"