Saturday, February 9, 2008

Blah, blah, blah

I'm listening to Obama's victory speech - actually it sounds more like an acceptance speech. He is promising a Utopia when he is elected to the office of President. I assume he will accomplish this in the first 6 days of his Presidency. After all, even God rested on the seventh day!

He has quoted every popular Democratic President and maligned the current Republican one. He's plugged his own book. I assume both he and his supporters think this is one bang-up, inspirational speech. But as an over-50 year old whose father was very involved in politics on a local level and watched all the primaries and conventions, I can assure you, I've heard it all before.

"Trust me...I have a new vision...I'm going to usher in a new age (apparently single-handedly),...BLAH, BLAH,BLAH, BLAH, BLAH".

These politicians are starting to sound like the adults in the Charlie Brown movies...wha wha wha wha wha.

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