Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Declaration of Independence

In watching Sunday's Superbowl coverage, I think the most moving thing I saw was telecast before the game. The viewing public was gifted by a recitation of the Declaration of Independence by players, sports figures, members of the armed forces, politicians, etc. delivered with respect, emotion, dignity and meaning behind a background of monuments, historical places, and military groups.

I truly wish to thank and congratulated the NFL players and owners who gave us this gift. The public presentation of our historical documents can only benefit the people, reminding them of their great freedoms, and the legacy of of those who thought these wondrous things and devoted themselves to securing and protecting those blessed rights we possess.

As an end note I'd like to give a "hats off" to Jordan Sparks, who gave a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Thank you to whoever made that choice.


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