Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Change, change, change....change of fools

Everywhere you look, or listen in the mainstream media you encounter it. Pounding and incessant, the drumbeat for change spreads across the face of the nation. It grows louder and more irritating by the minute

Obama Barak cries out for us to "Believe". What should we believe?...That it's time for a change and he will bring it.

Hillary Clinton disagrees. She is the true choice, because only she has the experience, leverage, courage, decisiveness, etc. to be a true agent of change.

I saw a reporter ask a voter who she had voted for in the Texas primary. She gave him a wide smile and said, "Obama." The reporter followed up by asking her why she had made this choice. The smile faded and a look of confusion passed over her face before she replied very rotely, "For change." Of course, the interviewer never posed the proper follow up question: What kind of change do you want?"

Significant political change must be considered carefully, intelligently, measure for measure, tested for the purity of its content, and weighed for its worth Most of the time, you discover that what's being offered as change is recycled junk dressed up with new paint.

In my heart, I believe that a large part of America can be duped into thinking that change is a good thing - very modern, very stylish. After all, we are in the habit of change. We upgrade everything. We change jobs. We move. We change spouses and partners. We change cars, cell phones, computers and electronic paraphernalia with ease. get the picture.
We are no longer comfortable with hard choices, staying the course, or plans that don't show results in nintey days.

A point in case is the election of former Baltimore Mayor O'Malley to the governorship of Maryland in our last gubenatorial race. Maryland is an extremely Democratic controlled state, and ordinarily, everyone would have expected this candidate to win. Folks here voted to send a message to President Bush that they wanted a change in his Iraq policy. All the while the mayor promised changes for Maryland. Full funding of educational programs, health care solutions, higher taxes, etc.

They are living to regret their choice. O'Malley's current popularity hovers around the 3

1 comment:

Dee and "D" said...

Very well worded, Aretha.