Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nauseating, Pretensions, Pompous, Prevaricating, Progressive (Oops I got stuck on the “p”) Radicals Progressive (oops I got stuck on the “p”) Radicals

Yesterday, National Public Radio fired long time reporter/commentator. Juan Williams for remarks he made at his other journalist stint as a commentator on Fox news. Clearly left of center, I usually find myself in disagreement with Mr. Williams, but I have ,also, found him to be “cut from a different cloth”- a man who can at least lend his mind to thoughtful discussion, and even concede a point, or two.

But you see there is nothing truly public at NPR; free speech is dead at the nation’s national network. Thought is controlled, and those who present and comment upon the news must remain consistent and faithful to the policies of those who navigate the good ship NPR.

Mr. Williams was part of a larger discussion of a controversy involving Bill O’Reilly's appearance on a recent episode of The View. O’Reilly was excoriated by the female hosts for emphasizing that Muslims killed Americans on 9/11. O’Reilly felt that by now most American’s should know that it is given he meant radical Muslims.

Mr. Williams admitted to feeling nervous on occasions when he was on plane with Muslims that were obviously Muslims from their attire and behavior, he became nervous and uneasy. He, also, commented that he felt people would have been upset if people started referring to right wing radical terrorists who blew up the Oklahoma City building as the Christian bombers. (Personally, I can’t see how that analogy holds. We don’t have any taped farewell from McVeigh saying he did this for the glory of Jesus Christ, as we do for many Muslim terrorist who dedicate their acts to Allah.)

In other words, while Williams was gently chiding the host for a poor choice of words, he was man enough to admit to a new reality in this country. Shame on NPR for denying his right to speak the truth! The true measure of a man is not that he would have such thoughts. The times we live in stir them up. The true measure of a man is that he honest about them, and that does he controls them, so they do not control him and so that the fabric of our society remains intact.

When more budget austerity measure are taken in the next congressional sessions, let the axe fall on NPR. To all of you who flock to get your news from NPR, because you like it commercial free, calmly delivered, without anger and any confrontation…..just what exactly have you been getting? Selected news, and now manipulated commentary. Eliminate any voices that sing a different key, and we will all sing the same song. We don’t need its tyrannical reign over what was supposed to be the public’s radio.


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