Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today, dear friends and gentle-people, marks the 39th anniversary of the infamous invasion of the eastern half of partitioned Poland by the Soviet Union. And to mark our solidarity with the Polish people; to take a stand against tyranny; to remind the world of the criminality of the Lenin-Marxist government that was imposed on the Polish people against their will; to recall once again the blood spilled by Stalin; what is it that President Obama does?

Today, this Chicago politician, whose claim to fame is an ivy league education and the work experience of a community organizer, merely pretended to be an American president. He acted like a Frenchmen, or at best, like someone channeling Neville Chamberlain. Gambling away the freedom of Poland and other Eastern European countries, Obama reneged on commitments made by President George W. Bush to provide a missile shield for these countries, offering them protection from Russia's reawakening expansionist appetites and Iran's nuclear capabilities.

Instead, President Obama licked the boots of Russia's Vladmir Putin. Hoping to, maybe, if possible, if everything works out, this is what I'd like in return: Putin to agree with the US about sanctions against Iran at the UN, and have the Russian leader st Betrayal. I do not believe that intelligence has changed all that much in a year-only the man in charge.


1 comment:

Dee and "D" said...

Very upsetting. The man is determined to throw us back to pre-WWII days. How enamored is Europe with him now, I wonder?