Thursday, September 18, 2008

Same old, same old

Yet another "talking head" from CNN weighs in with the opinion that racism is a major factor in this race. Jack Cafferty opines that the fact that Barck Obama is a black man is the only reason he is not leaps and bound ahead of John McCain.

Well, Jack, you're half right. Racism does play a role in the presidential campaign but I assert that the only reason Obama is a player is because he's African-American and the Dems have decided that the time is ripe for a president of color. Not someone with experience, God forbid, or someone who could stand up to the machine. No, someone woefully inexperienced but with enough of an ego to think he's the person for the job. Someone who will willingly parrot the standard party line but isn't really capable of thinking for himself.

"Tag, Senator Obama, you're it!"

Of course, I'm not the first person to arrive at this conclusion. Former Democratic VP candidate Geraldine Ferraro voiced a similar opinion and was duly chastised by her party for daring to break ranks and voice an opinion that didn't show "nothin' but love" for the Senator from Illinois.

Today's Democratic Party is yesterday's Republican Party. Remember Richard Nixon and his Dirty-Tricks Gang? Where do you think the fill-in-the-blank gate phrase came from? Tricky Dick and the Watergate escapade. People were so desperate for change after this fiasco of a presidency that we ended up with 4 years of Jimmy Carter. 'Nuff said.

Now Senator Obama is urging his supporters to argue with McCain supporters and "get in their face". Truly, Senator, I don't recommend this strategy. As a preschool teacher, I assure you I can more than take out anyone who thinks they can intimidate me into changing my vote. I've studied with the masters. However, the Senator assures us he's been schooled by Chicago politics so I guess the arm-twisting and intimidation practices are deeply ingrained in him. I'm just surprised he admits to it so freely.

Unlike MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Senator Obama does not send a tingle up my leg but rather a cold chill down my spine.


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