Saturday, February 9, 2008

Blah, blah, blah

I'm listening to Obama's victory speech - actually it sounds more like an acceptance speech. He is promising a Utopia when he is elected to the office of President. I assume he will accomplish this in the first 6 days of his Presidency. After all, even God rested on the seventh day!

He has quoted every popular Democratic President and maligned the current Republican one. He's plugged his own book. I assume both he and his supporters think this is one bang-up, inspirational speech. But as an over-50 year old whose father was very involved in politics on a local level and watched all the primaries and conventions, I can assure you, I've heard it all before.

"Trust me...I have a new vision...I'm going to usher in a new age (apparently single-handedly),...BLAH, BLAH,BLAH, BLAH, BLAH".

These politicians are starting to sound like the adults in the Charlie Brown movies...wha wha wha wha wha.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Obamarama Phenomenon

Be very afraid.

We have entered into the Age of Obama which is destined to outshine the Age of Aquarius. I have recently seen an Obama ad (new at least for my local area). In a carefully constructed montage of music, evocative images, audios, and voice overs, we are being promised our salvation as a people and a nation.

According to this ad, Obama, once elected is going deliver tax cuts for the middle class, incentives for U.S. based businesses, return the troops from Iraq, achieve world peace, and save the planet environmentally, and we will be doing it with him because we are all one. By "believing it's time for a change" and that he is that change everything will be right with the world.

In general I don't trust politicians, but I wonder about the bandwagon that's attached itself to this senator. Oprah , who is wrapped up in her favorite thing, the cult of the Secret, has ordained him "brilliant" and has become his personal 'John the Baptist". Senator Kennedy has passed off the scepter of Camelot to him. Then there are the gaggle of artistic types who worship at his altar who are totally awestruck.

For heaven sakes! This guy is just a first term senator who hasn't even cut his political teeth. Are we becoming so like the Roman Empire that we embrace anyone that will tell us what we want to hear? What we need is the courage for someone to step up and tell us what we don't want to hear- that no one in the time span of a presidential term can deliver what it will take
to right the course of this nation. That a president cannot make change happen without the support of the legislature.

Oops! times up for now. Talk to you later.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Declaration of Independence

In watching Sunday's Superbowl coverage, I think the most moving thing I saw was telecast before the game. The viewing public was gifted by a recitation of the Declaration of Independence by players, sports figures, members of the armed forces, politicians, etc. delivered with respect, emotion, dignity and meaning behind a background of monuments, historical places, and military groups.

I truly wish to thank and congratulated the NFL players and owners who gave us this gift. The public presentation of our historical documents can only benefit the people, reminding them of their great freedoms, and the legacy of of those who thought these wondrous things and devoted themselves to securing and protecting those blessed rights we possess.

As an end note I'd like to give a "hats off" to Jordan Sparks, who gave a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Thank you to whoever made that choice.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Whose house is it?

"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." Thomas Jefferson

To all those candidates out there who are claiming their intent to "take back the White House" I urge them to re-read the preamble to the Constitution. Surely they're familiar with it although they seem to have forgotten it's meaning. "We the people of the United States" - not we the Democrats - is the cornerstone set down by our founding fathers. The Presidency belongs to no group by divine right. We discarded that notion when we left England and fought a revolution. If 'We the people' choose to allow you to hold the office of President for a limited amount of time, don't let it go to your collective heads. If you fail in your responsibility to the people you will be tossed out on your collective butts come the next election.

As Napoleon said, "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."