Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Political Debates

I am proud to say that I have not watched a single debate. Oh, being a news junkie, I haven't been able to completely avoid the sound bites that the media deems relevant but I try to pay as little attention as possible. I am just not interested in the posturing and preening that goes on during these free ad campaigns.

This is my idea of how to run the presidential campaigns:

As soon as a candidate announces their intention to run for the office of president they are put under a gag order. Each candidate has one spokesperson who will present their voting record to the American public for their perusal. No debates, no sound bites, no flip-flopping - just the facts, ma'am. Oh, and no tears. (Sorry, Hillary)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think your being to easy on the candidates, Dottie. I propose that in order to have the priviledge of being a candidate for president, that each one of them must take three tests: the citizenship test administered to naturalized citizens, a test on the constitution, and a comprehensive U.S. history tests.

These tests would be administered by a proctor. Before their voting record is read to the American public, their scores would be
