Thursday, January 31, 2008

More political rules

NO ENDORSEMENTS! I'm so sick of hearing that someone else has decided who I should vote for. I'll make up my own mind, thank you. It really doesn't work. When I read that Ann Coulter was endorsing Romney it was an an immediate turn-off. I don't care who Ah-nold thinks is the best candidate. The Kennedys need to realize that the country no longer hangs on their every word. And how about a rule that says spouses fall under the same gag order as the candidate?

NO DROPPING OUT! If you're in the race you stay in the race until it's over. No behind the scenes deals that vie for the former candidates supporters. Learn a lesson from the Olympics. You do your best, you cross the finish line, you don't quit just because you think (or know) you don't have a chance. It says something about your character. Who wants a quitter for President? (that's if you decide to run again the next time as so many also-rans do.)


1 comment:

Dee and "D" said...

Anne Coulter has done more than endorse Romney, she has proclaimed that she will not support McCain, if he is the Republican candidate. She will instead put her support behind Hilary Clinton, and would consider actively campaigning for her Coulter considers Hilary more of a conservative than the senator from Arizona.

I mention this, not because I am a Coulter fan, but as indication of just how weird this election cycle has become.
