Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day of Remembrance

September 11. 2011.

On this day, many of us are remembering a clear, crisp, late summer day in 2001. A day that saw the innocence of many taken away. A day that saw the lives of many taken away. We mourn and we remember.

Into the somberness of this occasion, Paul Krugman, a writer for the New York Times, decides to inject some small thoughts from his small mind.

His blog does not touch upon the shamefulness of the moments when Islamic terrorists attacked our, he feels the real shame occurred after those events. In, fact, he doesn't even mention the Twin Towers, the Pentagon or the field in Shanksville, PA. He would have us believe that George Bush, Rudy Giuliani and Bernie Kerik used 9/11 to gain fame and political favors. Paul Krugman brands them "fake heroes." By this convoluted logic, FDR was a "fake hero" who used Pearl Harbor for personal gain. Winston Churchill was just waiting for Hitler to come along and make his day. And what about George Washington and Valley Forge? I guess to Paul's way of thinking, history is full of "fake heroes."

You seem to have your politicians mixed-up, Paul. It was another liberal, Rahm Emanuel, who said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you didn’t think you could do before." Now you identify yourself as a liberal so shouldn't you be aware of the unofficial slogan of your party? Really, is that too much to ask?

You start your blog with a question, "Are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued?'.

Allow me to answer.

What is it you expected to happen on such a somber event? Did you want to see people rioting in the streets? Looting and pillaging? Marching on Mecca?

Don't hold your breath. That's not the style of the American people. You know, the ones whose hearts you claim to know.

We are remembering in quiet, respectful ways. Church services, candlelight vigils, quiet reflections on the uncertainty of life and the need to live life to the fullest. Today is not about the terrorists. It's not about the politicians. It is about the everyday people who were quietly going about their work, living their lives, when evil reached out and touched them in, what was then, an unimaginable way.

I'm sorry you can't understand this, Paul. You labeled your blog, "The Conscience of a Liberal." I'm going to submit that you have no concience, just a need to twist facts to reflect your own warped view of the world.

Surprisingly, Paul is not allowing comments on his post. "For obvious reasons," he states. Guess he can't stand the heat.

Well, you opened your blog with a question, Paul and I'm going to close mine with one.

How do hacks like you get access to the public? Next time, do us all a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself.


1 comment:

Dee and "D" said...

You beat me to this one, Dee. P.Krugman posted his blog like a coward, striking out, then slinking into is dank hole to avoid the fallout.

He is the antithesis of the heroes of 9-11.

D (Della)