Monday, May 23, 2011

False Prophet or False God?

Harold Camping won't give up! He is now on the radio claiming that Christ did come and put the world under judgement on May 21. It was a spiritual (invisible) coming. (Someone owes me $5.00 because I called it!) He is presenting himself as a humble teacher, nothing more. There will be no more advertising, no more tracts given out, the world has been told and the end of the world is still scheduled for October 21, 2011. The world is now under an invisible judgement. All dates were correct, all proofs were correct. Family Radio's task is done.

Someone give me some bread to put this bologna on.

I started listening to Family Radio last year because I liked the music. Then, one day, I heard Mr. Camping talk about the date of the rapture. I admit, I couldn't make heads or tails out of his mathematical contortions, but he kept hammering away at it. May 21st - the Bible guarantees it. I continued to listen to this man. I wanted to know what he was saying. Sort of a "know your enemy" approach.

Anyone that called into his Open Forum would be told that if they didn't believe in the May 21st rapture/rolling earthquake/beginning of Judgement Day then God had not opened their spiritual eyes. Oh....and it meant they were not saved. This would be a recurring theme for Harold Camping. He would say no one could know if they had been saved or not, yet Mr. Camping seemed to know. Let's see, if you belonged to a church, you were not saved...if you didn't agree with his interpretation of the Bible, you were not saved...if you ate oysters in a month with "R" in it, you were not saved...quite a nice package, Mr. Camping...all lies, of course.

Despite many statements, by none other than Jesus himself, that belief in Him was the way to secure salvation, Camping insisted this was not true. He interpreted scriptures to support his version of salvation, ignoring or disparaging scripture verses that did not fit with his skewed theology.

Camping openly mocked Bible scholars, saying they spent too much time studying things like Hebrew or Greek and helping people do things like care for their children or move. He sarcastically insinuated that their time should be better used to study the Bible. And, by the way, if you haven't read every single word in the Bible, you haven't read the Bible.

He spent months telling people that no one could know if they had been saved yet in mid-April he announced that he knew he had been saved. I'm not sure how he knew this since his position was that God had not revealed anything to man since John finished the Book of Revelations.

While it's true he did not openly encourage people to sell their homes, quit their jobs and drain their savings to finance his apocalyptic vision, he also did nothing to discourage them. People would call and ask him if they should quit their job or quit sending their child to school. There were a few that wondered if they should kill themselves if they were still here on May 22. No discouragement, just a suggestion that they pray about it.

Mr. Camping and Family Radio must accept responsibility for a great deal of damage that their deliberate deceptions have caused:

"Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him. Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work."
(2 Jn. 9-11)

Some of Mr. Camping's followers insist we are still being tested by God. God is sifting through Camping's followers to see who will fall away because the prophecy was (seemingly) wrong.

I think it may well be a test. Only the tester is Satan, gauging how many gullible pigeons are out there, eager to accept false interpretations of scripture.

So, what's the answer?


Read the bible. It is nowhere near as complex as Harold Camping would have you believe.

Join a Bible-based, faith and fellowship church. Mr. Camping wanted you out of the church because it would soon become clear that Harold was talking through his hat.

God is not vindictive, He is not deceptive. These are both words used by Campng to describe God. He did not inspire the Bible to be a trap to keep us out of heaven.

In Romans, Paul asks, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?"

Mr.Camping would have you believe that the answer is God the Father. He would have you believe that God is toying with us, like we are rats in a maze, setting us up for one failure after another.

Not true, not true, not true.

God desires for us to spend eternity with Him. If His intent was to trick us into losing any chance at spending eternity with Him, why bother to send His Son? Why set up a plan for salvation if He didn't really intend for us to be saved? Why bother to create us at all?

Mr. Camping is a self-proclaimed Bible scholar that knows very little about the Bible. The New Testament message of love and forgiveness and salvation do not fit in with his delusional interpretation of God's word.

False prophet - for sure.

At the point he proclaimed that if you did not believe his interpretation of Biblical events you were not saved - he crossed the line from false prophet to false god.

In my opinion.

You will have much to answer for when Judgement Day does arrive, Mr. Camping. You set yourself up as the sole authority on the word of God. Only you had the truth and woe to those who would not follow you. You were always quick to interrupt people that called to challenge you with an "Excuse me". No can do, Harold. What you have done is inexcusable. Your broadcast tonight was full of the ramblings of an arrogant, prideful man.

See you in November.


False Prophet or False God?