Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plumber Joe from O-hi-o

Poor Joe the Plumber. I bet he'd like to buy back his 15 minutes of fame.

His crime? Asking Barack Obama a serious question about his tax plan.

And because he didn't have a teleprompter in front of him with a predetermined answer the Senator from Illinois gave an honest, revealing answer.

For this crime against humanity Joe is now being subjected to the equivalency of a shark feeding frenzy staged by the mainstream media.

Could it be any clearer that the media sits snugly in the pocket of the Democratic party? Ignore the disturbing answer and go after the plumber......NOW! Don't give the public time to think about the answer. They might not like their conclusions.

As a preschool teacher, I'm familiar with this technique. It's called redirecting. Changing the child's focus from one activity to another. The Wizard of Oz tried to use it when he told Dorothy and her friends to "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." Well, it didn't work for the Wizard and I'd like to think we're at least as smart as Dorothy.

The real focus of that exchange should be on Obama and his answer not Joe and his question.

Hang in there, Joe. You asked a legitimate question. Like it or not, you are now a representative for middle class America. I only hope everyone is paying attention to the way Joe is being treated. Because if Barack Obama wins the election in November, it's how we're all going to be treated.


P.S. I predict that's the last time you'll see Senator Obama answer any off-the-cuff questions. No doubt they have the muzzle on nice and tight.

1 comment:

Ted said...