Sunday, February 28, 2010

Traffic and Weather

Have you ever noticed how radio stations lump traffic and weather forecasts together on their broadcasts?

"Traffic and weather together on the 5's."

Wonder why this is? I think I've figured it out.

The weatherman and the traffic reporter are in competition to see who can pull off the biggest hoax on the radio.

If a weatherman says, "dusting of snow", be prepared for at least 3 inches.

If a weatherman says, "sunny day", take your umbrella.

If he talks about the latest super-duper technology that they just purchased, it means the 2010 quarters have finally arrived.

The traffic reporter is no better.

I have sat in a 3 mile back-up listening to the traffic reporter describing a light traffic morning with no delays.

I've heard that there are major delays due to an accident at Exit X only to find no accident and no back-ups in my commute.

What about their traffic cams? I'm convinced they arbitrarily pull up archival material and use that as the basis for their traffic reports.

On I-95, the overhead signs now give you an estimate of how much time it will take to get to the Capitol Beltway. I guess this is supposed to give us the feeling that we are in line for a ride at DisneyWorld. It doesn't. It's also wrong most of the time.

Some days the weatherman wins the contest and some days the traffic reporter wins. But, most days, I'm the loser.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Second Temptation

People rush to see a movie that outlines major catastrophes that they believe are foretold by the Mayan calendar. They aspire to interpret quatrains written hundreds of years ago by the French seer Nostradamus. They look to the heavens for deliverance by aliens in UFOs.

Yet, these same people scoff at the prophecies given to us in the Holy Bible...even though they can see the fruit of these predictions on an almost daily basis.

What exactly did Jesus tell us to look for? Earthquakes, famines, pestilences, fearful sights and great signs in the heavens, the seas and the waves roaring. I sit here typing and listening to the reports of Hawaii preparing for the tsunami generated by the 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile early this morning. The signs are on your television news and the front page of your newspaper.

In Mark 8:18, Jesus asks his own apostles, "Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?" He could just as easily have been addressing the current population. I often wonder how people can embrace the false prophets and reject the word of God that spells out SO CLEARLY what is going to befall our world. Then I remember there is another player in this drama.


In 1 Peter 5:8 Satan is described as "a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." The sad thing is that his victims are willing victims. They would much rather embrace a lie that casts them as all-powerful than surrender themselves to the true Prince of this world. Not only do they accept the lies of Satan as truth, they seek to recruit others to the cause.

Isaiah 59:14 says, "For truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter in."

Let's consider global warning. In the face of growing scientific evidence that reduces the global warming "evidence" to the level of a hoax people still hold fast to the claims of Al Gore and his ilk that we are responsible for global warming which in turn is responsible for all of the ills of mankind. Pretty handy when you think about it. This is Satan's lie to explain all the natural catastrophes that Jesus told us were coming our way. Like one size fits all, one lie fits all.

Earthquakes? Global warming.
Famines? Global warming
Pestilences? Global warming.
Insomnia? Global warming.
Stupidity? Global warming.

I can imagine what Satan plants in the minds of people:

"It's not God's hand, it's man's hand. After all, didn't I tell you that if you ate of the fruit in the garden, you would be like God? Well, the proof is in the is causing all these problems because man has become like God with control over the very elements of nature."

He slithers into our lives to tempt us yet again with the illusion that we can become God-like under his rule. All we need to do is disregard God and subscribe to his empty promises.

You have heard the truth. Believe what you will. As for me, I know that my redeemer liveth and I will lift up my head because I know my redemption draws near.
